

1975年, 統治体名言

1975年 – F.W.フランズによる特別講演

「ものみの塔」 2014年5月 一般用 3ページ





What is the Significance of 1975?


録音:1975年2月10日 場所:ドジャー・スタジアム ロサンゼルス







In Romans chapter thirteen, verse eleven, he says,’Brothers, you know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep because now your salvation is nearer than at the time when you became believers.’

And all of us know no matter how long we have been dedicated and baptised, now, in this year of 1975 we are nearer to our salvation than at the time when we first became believers – that is absolutely certain!
(loud applause)

But the big question is this: Is this year, 1975 the final year, the last year, for the ingathering of the ‘other sheep’?

Now, we’re all interested in that, and as we went around the world and stopped in the various countries – this is our twentieth stop here in Los Angeles – and we enquired among the brothers what they’re talking about locally among themselves, what they’re interested in. We found that, just like you here, they also were interested in this current year of 1975

– what does it signify for God’s people? Is it the year, the final year, the last year, for the ingathering of the Other Sheep, before the Great Tribulation breaks and reaches its climax in the battle of the Great Day of God the Almighty at Armageddon?

Is this the year which will lead right on into the establishment of the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ?Well, how are we to view this year? And what are really valid expectations with regard to its occurrences? What is to be expected?

People not only among ourselves are interested in this, but also, just this afternoon, John Dart, the religious editor of the Los Angeles Times telephoned and expressed an interest in this year, 1975, as to what the vice-president or the president believed about it.

So they’re interested in 1975 outside as well as inside of the organisation.









— 区切り —

So then, we see that we have now something with which to deal in this matter of determining just where we are on the stream of time, and how near we are to the bringing to utter destruction this old wicked system of Satan the Devil and thereafter the binding of the Devil himself and of all his angels, the demons. This kingdom of God and of his Christ is specifically stated to be a thousand years in length.

And we can be sure that those thousand years have a definite starting point and definite terminal point. It’s not a period of a thousand years that begins at an indefinite time in the future. But it has a definite date for it to begin,
just as the American government dates itself from a certain year so that we can calculate from the date of the beginning of the Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ and know when it is going to end.



— 区切り —

Well then, the big question for us now to determine is this:

if we’ll go to this red book here, Everlasting Life in Freedom of the Sons of God, which is headed Chart of Significant Events From the Creation of Man to the Year 7000 Anno Mundi, we find there a chart and we turn to page 31 through 35, seven thousand from the creation of man. And the first item on the list is dated 4026 before our common era and the item is the creation of Adam in the early autumn of that year. Not a January the first of that year, 4026, but in the early autumn of that year; so that we measure the years from autumn to autumn.

And then if we turn to page thirty-five we are startled to see the year 1975 where we actually are. And, what does it say with regard to 1975?
It says the end. Now notice this – the end of the sixth one-thousand year day of man’s existence in early autumn.

And then it carries us on beyond that, beyond this year. The next date is 2075, a thousand years from now. And what does it say regarding that?
The end of the seventh thousand year day of human existence in the early autumn.

Now that’s all it says about 1975.
(audience applauds)

And that’s all we can say to John Dart, the religious editor of the Los Angeles Times, or anyone else there out in the world who wants to know what we have published regarding this critical year.

We know it’s a critical year, we know we’re near something

– but we’re not saying
(audience applauds).

We are well-along in this year 1975. I don’t mean that we are here July, or rather, February the tenth, just a little over one month in 1975.

No, but I mean we’re well-along in the Bible-year 1975.

We know that nations and organisations have their years by which they make a tally of their operations and of their accomplishments and of their expenditures or they make up their budgets for the coming year; like the United States has a fiscal year, which I believe begins in July, not January the first.





(*1 2975年の間違いであると考えられます)

はい これが1975年についての全てですよ







— 区切り —

So, the Bible-year does not start with this man-made commencement of the secular year on January the first.

But it is a lunar year and just as it says here in this book, in that chart, the creation of Adam was in the early autumn of the year.



— 区切り —

Now, our enquiries around the world of the brothers as to what they’re expecting to occur between now and the end of 1975 has revealed that some are very sanguine about matters in the near future and they’re expecting the Great Tribulation to occur and the destruction of Babylon the Great

and the annihilation of all the political systems of this world and then the binding of Satan and his demons and their abyssing to occur before this year is ended, this year 1975.

And immediately thereafter the thousand-year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ to begin.So they expect a great deal and they’re venting their views to their brothers and sisters in the congregations and raising their expectations very, very high indeed.

Well now, we’re not saying that by the end of this year, 1975, all these things cannot take place, God cannot bring all these things about.
He can, he’s almighty and this Omnipotent One can bring this about in a hurry if he wants to do so.

But, in view of what the scriptures inform us, are we warranted in expecting so much to occur by September the fifth of 1975?

Does September the fifth, at sundown, when the year nineteen hundred and seventy-six will begin – lunar-time, mean that it is time for the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ to begin? And, accordingly, does it mean that we are six thousand years advanced into the seventh day, the seventh creative day of Jehovah God, his rest-day, his Sabbath Day?

Does it mean that? No, not according to this book and what’s been published since. And why do we say that?

Well, all this book says is that 1975 marks the end of the sixth one thousand-year day of man’s existence. Well, that period of time, those six one-thousand year days which man has survived until now began when? They began on…ON the sixth creative day of Jehovah God. They began when Adam was created, the first man.








— 区切り —

Thus it becomes apparent that there was a time interval between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve. And it was first with the creation of Eve that the sixth day ended because there is no record in the Bible that God created anything earthly after he produced Eve.


— 区切り —

Now, if it was just a month after Adam’s creation, then six thousand years from Eve’s creation would still end in this secular calendar year of 1975 – it would end in October. If it was two months after Adam’s creation, then it would end two months after September the fifth – in November. If it were three months after Adam’s creation, then the time interval would end in December,


— 区切り —

So, it can come quickly within a short time after the terminal day of the lunar year, 1975, and we should not jump to wrong decisions on that account,

and say, ‘well, the time after September the fifth, 1975, is indefinitely long and so it’ll allow for me to realise my human aspirations, getting married and raising a family and kids or going to college for a few years and learning engineering and finding a fine position as an engineer, a civil engineer, or electrical engineer or some other prominent fine-paying job.

No, the time does not allow for that, dear friends. The time is short, the Apostle Paul says in First Corinthians chapter seven and verse twentynine – the time left is reduced!








この世界的に行われた講演については 良心の危機 日本語版 269ページでレイモンド・フランズによって言及されています。












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      が これは講演者の原文のままなので、

